Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September's Book Discussion

Book Club discussed Julie and Julia: 365 days, 524 recipes, 1 tiny apartment kitchen by Julie Powell tonight. If you could not attend the discussion, you can post your comments here about this book.

In general, everyone enjoyed the book. We liked the author's sense of humor and her adventurous spirit; however, we could have done without her over reliance on swear words. We really liked how the author wove details about Julia Child's life into the book. The book also prompted us to share details about our own cooking highs and lows.

We also really enjoyed sharing the delicious dishes that everyone brought in for our potluck. Potato dishes seem to be the theme of the night, but we had many wonderful desserts, also. It was quickly decided that a potluck and recipe exchange must be an annual occurrence.

Click here for theBook Club's Cookbook, filled with the delicious recipes from tonight's potluck.

Next month: Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

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