Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Computer Use Policies in effect July 7, 2008

Beginning Monday, July 7, 2008 there will be a change in the Library's Computer Use Policy.

Patrons in good standing (less than $20.00 in fines) will be able to use Public PCs.

All that is needed is one of the following:

  1. Valid Glenside Library card
  2. Valid card from another Illinois library that is registered in our system
If you are over 18 and do not have a library card from Glenside or another Illinois library, you can still use a computer for up to two 60 minutes sessions per day if:

  1. You are from out of state or a non US resident and have a valid state photo ID, passport, or consular ID
  2. you live in an unserved/unincorporated area and have a valid photo ID
Patrons who are over 18 and do not have a library card or valid photo ID may use an Express Station PC for 15 minute increments.

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